Payroll Guide

Create 4 folder labeled and keep this permanently in your computer/ Desktop. This is will you to be organised and complete payroll in a timely manner.

  • Timesheet

  • Roster

  • Roster percentage (screen shot)

  • Daily running sheets

Next step is to create two template documents, as displayed below.
1. Staff AL/SL record, create a google doc with the details below to track your staff's AL and SL and to input any other staff pay changes or comments (staff resignation)

2. Payroll cross reference.

  1. Staff AL/SL record, create a google doc with the details below to tract your AL and SL. Please see examples of both below:

Hi Preda,

Below are the details for the pay cycle beginning Monday _______ and ending on Friday ____.

Staff night meeting, date and time: ____________________

  • Week 1-
    Monday (date):
    Angelica Furnari AL- 7.5 hours
    Tuesday (date):

    Wednesday (date):

    Thursday (date):
    Friday (date):

    Week 2-
    Monday (date):
    Sheena Pontejos SL- 7.5 hours.
    Tuesday (date):

    Wednesday (date):

    Thursday (date):
    Friday (date):

    Educator updated notes:

    This can be any changes with any staff member at your Campus, as well as you putting a note if a staff member has resigned.


  • Β Staff who have had annual leave (AL) or sick leave (SL):

  • Β Please ensure you are including the staff members first and second name, along with the hours worked.

    1. payroll cross reference list: Example.

    Educator name

    Educator name





