26th of January.

The date of 26th January is seen by Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples as a day of mourning, survival and invasion. There are Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples that do not celebrate Australia Day because it was the day of their land being invaded. It was also not on January 26th, it was April 26th 1788.
For Indigenous Australians, the date has always represented invasion and an irrevocable impact upon their culture, land and population, there was no cause for celebration (Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council 2020).

  1. Please don't do templates of Australian flags just because it is 'Australia Day',Β think about what the day actually means to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Learn something new.

  2. Books- read them, listen to them on YouTube, extend children learning based on reflection.

  • The book β€œSorry Sorry” by, Kerr writes. This story explains how the settlers disrespected the Aboriginal people and their home without talking about violence, death and the removal of children. Kerr Writes ends the book on a positive note talking about reconciliation and how β€œthe others” realised their actions were wrong and apologised to the Aboriginal people for what they had done.

  • The book "Somebody's land": (Adam Goodes & Ellie Laing) A great book that introduces First Nations history and the term 'terra nullius' The land was where people built their homes, played in the sun, and sat together to tell stories.

  • The book "Finding Our Heart". (Thomas Mayor): A book about understanding Australia’s past, so we can have a shared future.

3.Β Play dough area: Create an area with natural play dough (dont have to always add colour) with natural material (leaves, bark, rocks, dirt), and animals, have conversations with the children as well as with the educators about ways we can care for our land with role modelling that through the playdough experience.

4.Β Flags: Have all 3 flags in the middle of the table for all children to see. Have the colours of the crayons/textas/paint/pencils on the table with paper, see what the children create with the materials they have.

5.Β Acknowlegment of Country: Talk about why it is important to Acknowledge the Land we are on, what is an Acknowledgment, and how can we do this respectfully with having a clear understanding.

6.Β Yarning Circles: With the children, talk about what can we do to care for the land? What is our local land name?

7. Do some research of your own, I am happy to support your learning.Β 

Some clips to watch with children and yourselves:

26th of January.pdf
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